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Saturday, 26 February 2011

Free Education Materials

Just recently I have been taking a look at the resourecs I have here on Shimmer Island, not only their appearence, but also popularity and generally speaking I feel there is no reason that make any changes, so thats really rewarding for me. Looking on SL Marketplace the other day I began to see some really nice free collections of resources for educators and so I thought why not start an in-world collection. The first in the new suite is a poster board of tools made by Salahzar Stenvaag.

These are all Copy/Mod/Trans and include an eBook maker, 3D wiki, Meeting space and Chalkboard. You can either use the hyperlink here to see these on the marketplace, or the next time that you are inworld visit Shimmer Island and touch on the board that is on the first floor of the main tutorial hall.
regards Skipper